WS 21/22

Seminar Formal Methods for AI Safety

SS 21

Proseminar Decision Procedures for Verification and Synthesis

WS 20/21

Seminar Formal Methods for AI Safety

Courses at summer schools

Modules in which I was involved at the University of Sheffield


  • COM6906/6910/6912/6013: Dissertation Project (MSc project supervisor)
  • COM1001: Introduction to Software Engineering (Group project supervisor)

Modules in which I was involved at the University of Leicester


  • CO7201: MSc Individual Project (Module convenor and project supervisor)


  • CO3099/CO7099: Cryptography and Internet Security (the security part)
  • CO3105/CO7105: Advanced C++ (main part)
  • CO2011: Automata, Languages and Computation (with Mohammad Mousavi)
  • CO2015: Software Engineering Project (Project supervisor)
  • CO7201: MSc Individual Project (Module convenor and project supervisor)
  • CO3015: Computer Scieence Project (Project supervisor)


  • CO2015: Software Engineering Project (Project supervisor)
  • CO3002/7002: Analysis and Design of Algorithms (2 lectures)
  • CO7201: MSc Individual Project (Project supervisor)
  • CO4210/CO7210: Personal and Group Skills (Discussion group supervisor)

Courses at TU Kaiserslautern/MPI-SWS

  • Lecturer of the "Program Analysis" course at TU Kaiserslautern
  • Co-Instructor for the seminar "Verification Meets Machine Learning"
    winter semester 2015, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems

Courses at Saarland University

  • Co-Instructor for the seminar "Games in Verification and Synthesis"
    summer semester 2008, Saarland University
  • Head teaching assistant for the course "Verification"
    winter semester 2007, Saarland University